Microsoft Community Insights
Welcome to the Microsoft Community Insights Podcast, where we explore the world of Microsoft Technologies. Interview experts in the field to share insights, stories, and experiences in the cloud.
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Microsoft Community Insights
Episode 22 - Five years of Microsoft Sentinel The Good, The Bad and the Ugly with Truls Dahlsveen
Microsoft Sentinel has long been one of Microsoft security flagships. It launched in 2019 as one of the first pure cloud security monitoring solutions out there. 5 years on, what's the verdict? We will explore the gamebreaking bugs, infuriating errors, smooth solutions and much more in this security monitoring trip down memory leak lane.
If you're not familiar with security monitoring solutions, fear not. In this talk you will learn the basics of security monitoring, explore the development of Microsoft Sentinel and get a quick introduction on how you can set it up for your own team and start detecting bad actors in your stack!